2024, March 15

Organized by the World Bank Group – Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF)


Hyoung Gun Wang

KGGTF Program Manager, World Bank


Inchul Hwang, Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank

Junu Shrestha, Senior Environmental Specialist, World Bank

Stamatis Kotouzas, Senior Land Administration Specialist, World Bank

By: KyungHun Choi, KGGTF 2024 Youth Intern

By: KyungHun Choi, KGGTF 2024 Youth Intern

The discussion titled “GEEF 2024: Featured & Scientific Session 2 SDGs Reboot: Insights from Global Green Growth Projects by World Bank” took place on March 15, 2024. Organized by the the World Bank Group and the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF), the event aimed to discuss sustainable energy initiatives and their impact on achieving SDGs.

Senior Energy Specialist Inchul Hwang from the World Bank Group presented two case studies: the Ulaanbaatar Clean Air Project in Mongolia and the Philippines Access to Sustainable Energy Project. In Mongolia, efforts focused on air purification, distributing over 40,000 purification stoves and retrofitting schools and houses, contributing to SDG 3 and SDG 4. In the Philippines, solar home systems were installed in remote areas, aligning with SDG 4 and SDG 7.

A key challenge highlighted was the lack of client confidence in transitioning to sustainable energy, often due to economic or technical concerns. Hwang emphasized the importance of building confidence through exposure to successful cases and solutions, transitioning clients from the "unknowns" to the "knowns" green zone.

By: KyungHun Choi, KGGTF 2024 Youth Intern

By: KyungHun Choi, KGGTF 2024 Youth Intern

Junu Shrestha, a Senior Environmental Specialist, discussed challenges and innovations in Green Growth, particularly focusing on environment and waste management. She emphasized the integration of Green Growth with SDGs, highlighting the impact of plastic pollution on economy, health, and biodiversity.

Stamatis Kotouzas, Senior Land Administration Specialist, addressed land actions for sustainable development, emphasizing the importance of tenure security and mitigation, improved natural resource management, and land use planning for Green Growth. He highlighted the need for digital innovation in securing property rights and managing land effectively.

During the Q&A session, participants discussed the importance of innovation, collaboration, and policy adaptation in addressing challenges and fostering Green Growth. The role of international relations in accelerating innovation, particularly in tackling climate crises, was also emphasized, with examples of regulatory frameworks and technological advancements in countries like Egypt being discussed. Overall, the event underscored the importance of confidence-building, collaboration, and innovative approaches in achieving sustainable development goals and green growth initiatives worldwide.