April 9, 2024

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Today's lecture hosted by the World Bank Group focused on the efforts of the private sector towards environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, with a special emphasis on the transformation of SK Ecoplant. Vice President Seong Nyeoh Lee provided insights into the journey of SK Ecoplant, highlighting its transition from a construction company to an environmental solutions provider.

The lecture commenced with a brief introduction to Sewoon Hall, outlining its historical significance as a multipurpose space designed by architect Kim Sugeun in the 1960s. Despite facing crises in the 1990s, efforts in the 2010s aimed at revitalizing Sewoon Mall, including the restoration of pedestrian roads, industrial revitalization, and community restoration, paved the way for its transformation into a green ecological space in 2023.

Seong Nyeoh Lee shared SK Ecoplant's evolution over the past 3-4 years, driven by a strategic agenda for "Deep Change" initiated by Chairman Choi Taeywon. This agenda emphasized the importance of pursuing both economic and social values, leading SK to shift its focus towards addressing societal challenges while pursuing business opportunities.

The lecture underscored SK Ecoplant's commitment to environmental solutions, illustrated through strategic acquisitions and diversification of its business portfolio. Investments in renewable energy, waste management, and recycling companies reflected SK's dedication to becoming a leader in environmental stewardship.


ESG implementation within SK was discussed, emphasizing the integration of environmental, social, and governance considerations into its management system. SK's commitment to sustainability was further demonstrated through initiatives such as the SKMS (SK's Management System) and carbon reduction culture programs.

During the Q&A session, Seong Nyeoh Lee addressed inquiries regarding SK's community engagement, governance challenges, and regulatory landscapes in different regions. The lecture concluded with reflections on SK's journey towards sustainable practices, highlighting the company's satisfaction with its transformative growth and cultural evolution over the years.