🇰🇷Recent News from South Korea

Link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinance_of_Student_Rights


“Student Human Rights Ordinance(학생인권조례)” is facing backlash. After recent incident that an elementary school teacher committed suicide, government officials started mentioning reform of it.

Student Human Rights Ordinance was first enacted in province Gyeonggi-do(경기도) and now expanded to 6 other provices in South Korea to guarantee human rights of students out of violent culture that stemmed from Korean history including dictatorship and Japanese invasion.

Articles that government is trying to revise:

  1. Article 5 (Right not to be discriminated)

(1) Students have the right not to be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, religion, age, social status, region of origin, country of origin, language, disability, appearance, pregnancy or childbirth, family type or family situation, color, economic status, color, ideological or political opinion, sexual orientation, medical history, disciplinary, and sexual orientation.

Pro: the rights of minority should be protected in educational field.

Con: there happens side effects - some parents complained and even reported teachers who complimented students because some parents argue that teachers discriminated others by complimenting some students.

  1. Article 10 (Right to rest)

(1) Students have the right to enjoy appropriate rest away from the heavy learning burden for the formation and development of a healthy and unique self.

Pro: Extreme obsession in Korean education field is problematic. Right to rest is important for students.

Con: Teachers cannot do anything even if students do not concentrate on the class or sleep during class.

  1. Article 13 (Freedom of Private Life)

(1) Students have the right not to infringe on or be monitored for their freedom of privacy and secrets, such as belongings, private records, private spaces, and private relationships.