이시현, 장서영, 조우용(Zhao,Yurong), 조호진, 징(Tong, Jing Xuan), 최경헌 > 2023-2 | 연세대학교 통합디자인학과 과제전

Understanding User experience (UX) plays a crucial role in creating successful digital software for users. For making UX feasible and accessible, we have to understand users’ context, needs, and the interaction between user and software.

This is the research my team conducted for this process:

Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Written by @Anonymous Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Written by @Anonymous Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Designed by 이시현(teammate) Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Designed by 이시현(teammate) Researched by 이시현, 장서영, 조우용, 조호진, 징(teammate) @Anonymous

Here it is!

Through various types of research and process of defining Persona, we came up with an idea that many young people face difficulties, stress, and safety concern when they start living alone. Furthermore, their parents might concern their safety, having conflicts about privacy with them.

Edited by @Anonymous ‣ ‣

Edited by @Anonymous ‣ ‣

Can it be different?

The mobile app named 다가취(Dagachui) - which can be translated into "Together(다같이) + Living Alone(자취)” - was born! It features some creative fuctions to assist users’ life of living alone, such as checklist for household chores, helper's advice, and warmhearted community where they can ask some questions and share their concerns.

Designed by @Anonymous ‣

Designed by @Anonymous ‣

Final Version

This course proceeded with group discussion about user research and continued with individual application design. Creativity. This was what I needed to make my work unique. That's why I dealt with some new functions - Safety alert and Safety map.