<aside> 🌏 KGGTF Communications Team Intern (DEC 2023~MAY 2024., 6 months)


<aside> 📰 Engaged in the leadership program consisting of lectures, site visits, and assignments, while working closely with the KGGTF team to support its operations, including assisting communication-related deliverables.


Youth Internship | Korea Green Growth Trust Fund

Home | Korea Green Growth Trust Fund

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🌏Korea Green Growth Trust Fund, The World Bank Group Internship Completed! For the last 6 months, I was involved in well-organized lectures, site visits, and team assignments regarding the contribution of the Republic of Korea to sustainable development!


From my perspective, Green Growth is to think about better communication. It is essential for every nation to share knowledge and technology with each other to pursue sustainable development for the next generation! In this sense, I am now dreaming of becoming a Communication expert who is capable of sharing Korea’s stories with the world. As a first step to this dream, I produced one poster, seven logo examples, and two videos, achieving the highest evaluation for producing communication materials during this internship program.

I participated in writing a 20-page report titled “Exploring the Prospect of WB Water Project in the South of Angola: Water Stress and Green Growth”. Analyzing the Republic of Korea’s grants for improving the conditions related to water resources, I learned how valuable the experiences and insights of Korea can be for other developing nations.

Having chance to visit KECO, Naver, and Korea Landfill Management Corporation, I could grasp how public and private sectors in Korea are trying to convert their business model in more sustainable way. Moreover, attending lectures of Ajay Banga, the president of the World Bank Group, Jim Young Kim, the 12th president of the World Bank Group, and Jie-Ae Sohn, KGGTF Senior Communications and Media Consultant motivated me a lot to pursue a career path to become a communication expert working for the international organizations.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr.@Jiyon Shin, Consultant @Ire Kim, and Consultant @katarlah for their guidance on various matters during this internship program. In addition, I am thankful that @Hanna Choi and @Jiyon Park supported me a lot in the process of writing the sectoral team report. Furthermore, I could work on the video for the closing ceremony of this internship program with the competitive coworker @SeoYoung Lee. This internship program has provided me with invaluable experience and opportunities to meet amazingly talented colleagues.

2. Testimonial PPT_KyungHun Choi.pdf

KGGTF, THE WORLD BANK GROUP Internship Certificate.pdf

Water Sector


