[Choi, K., Park, J., & Choi, H. (2024). Exploring the prospect of WB water project in the south of Angola: Water security and green growth. Youth Internship Program Sectoral Report 2023-2024, 1(1), 1-88. https://www.wbgkggtf.org/node/3966](https://surf-cheshire-102.notion.site/Choi-K-Park-J-Choi-H-2024-Exploring-the-prospect-of-WB-water-project-in-the-south-of-An-ade2e4ebe4d64ec48c961a9d9ed6fb73)

1.12 Team presentation-2.JPEG

2024 KGGTF Intern Sectoral Report FINAL.pdf

Closing Ceremony PPT.pptx.pdf

(Water - KyungHun Choi _ Jiyeon Park _ Hanna Choi) Water Security and Green Growth - Exploring the Prospect of WB Water Project in the South of Angola.pdf

240112 Water Sector Presentation

240129 Water Sector Team Meeting (2nd Presentation)

240219 Water Sector Team Meeting (Final Assignment)

240410 Water Sector Team Meeting (Closing Ceremony Presentation)